Monday, September 24, 2012

Chapter 2...

Now that Chapter 1 is over with...I'm on to chapter 2. I had a CT Scan of the abdomen and pelvis on Friday. This Monday morning I got a call from my oncologist. For those of you who don't know...that isn't a good sign. My oncologist told me that the CT showed a spot on my liver that is 1.4 cm in is worrisome...this spot was not there before. THEREFORE...I get to have a Liver Biopsy this week. Then if in fact it is cancer they will do a liver resection surgery (OH JOY!) AND to top it all off...a nice healthy dose of chemo again. I couldn't be happier that they found something and hopefully early enough that they can remove some preventative *gag* chemo and be on my merry way....for a little longer than a year would be nice. I have just had a nice dose of what it has been like to be back to normal...feeling great and enjoying my life. Starting a new job on Monday and then WHAMMOOOOOOO....this hits me. I have said it before and I will say it again...CANCER straight sucks! I will hold my head high, fight this nasty thing and be on my way. I would appreciate in the mean time some heavy prayers my way that 1. this may possibly just be a cyst and that 2. If it is in fact cancer that it can be removed and chemo will rid my body of this demon once and for all. I needed you guys before and I will need you again. Thank you for all the support that I have...I am blessed. Now get to praying....this blog looks like it is back in business! :)

1 comment:

  1. Hi, Jen. I'm so sorry to hear this. Your positive attitude is such an inspiration. I'm sending you LOTS of healthy vibes. Take care of yourself! :)
