Wednesday, November 2, 2011

November, already???

A month of I am thankful for the beautiful weather we had this morning. I was able to walk outside with the dog and not have my hands feel like I was carrying broken glass and my feet feel like they were walking on needles...seriously...this is what it feels like. I have HORRIBLE neuropathy and hope it goes away soon. My doctor warned me it would be the last side effect to go...and then she proceeded to tell me to give it 6 months to a year. ARE. YOU. KIDDING. ME???? I am ready for the fatigue to evaporate, the tummy issues to resolve, the neuropathy to die...I am just so ready to feel good. My body has taken a beating...My spirit is wearing down...I am tired of this! I couldn't imagine having to fight this fight forever...I don't think I would have it in me. I say that now, but if I had to do it...I would. I wouldn't have a choice. Fighting cancer is just something you have to do.

I woke up today with the same stomach issues I have had for the last 3 days. NOT GOOD. The weird thing is that I haven't had these issues with the last few treatments. My treatments are so unpredictable. I never know how I am going to feel. It is always a surprise. Did I ever tell you how much I hate surprises! :) One more...I just keep telling myself...ONE MORE! :)

Halloween was a blast. My daughter had fun. I loved it.

Now on to November...and so much to be thankful for!


  1. You have been, and continue to be, the strongest person I know!!!! You ARE ALLOWED to have bad days Jen!!! None of us have walked in your shoes and until we do you are tops in my book!!!! So much of beating cancer lies in your attitude...i FIRMLY believe that! You are fighting the good fight and you will get fabulous results from Texas next month!!!! You have been through so much but you still have a wonderful attitude! Just remember, these stomach issues wouldn't be as much fun if you still had that lovely little bag attached to you!!! Lots of love coming your way!

  2. Keep fighting Jen:( I'm so sorry you're feeling so yucky during this festive time of year. Hang in there and keep pressing forward. You can do it and you're strong enough!
