Thursday, December 13, 2012

57 % ain't to shabby!

Yesterday deserved a blog post!  It was a great day with great news for me.  I went in to St. Lukes in the morning for an MRI of my abdomen and a CT scan of my chest.  I didn't expect to hear anything since I have an appointment to meet with my Oncologist this Friday (tomorrow).  My phone rang at 12:43 pm.  How do I know that?  That is the exact time I had a mini heart attack when I saw that my doctor was calling.  I love her, but I hate to get calls from her...I never know what she is going to tell me.  This time it was good news.  My tumor has shrunk 57% since starting this chemo regimen.  The amazing and miraculous thing is that this chemo is not meant to shrink the tumor but to just keep it from getting larger or growing.  It isn't unheard of to have a tumor shrink on this chemo, but it is not its initial purpose.  I prayed the entire time during my CT scan and MRI for miraculous healing, and I believe that my prayers were answered.  Even though there is still a tumor there, it has shrunk and it can be removed, and I consider that miraculous healing!  Thank you Lord! 
I will meet with my oncologist tomorrow and let you know what the plan is for surgery.  Monday is my last chemo before my liver resection surgery and I could not be more excited!  I am looking forward to 3 weeks off of chemo to enjoy the holidays.  The longer I am on this chemo the harder it is on me.  I am exhausted most of the day and occasionally nauseous mostly due to the horrific taste in my mouth....but I am really doing well!  Again...I couldn't do it without the love, support and prayers from everyone!  Love you all!!!!

We are in the process of house hunting and actually put in an offer on a house yesterday.  Prayers that we get it, so that we can finally get settled into a home we love.  Currently we are staying at my parents house.  For anyone needing an address for Christmas Cards you can email me and I will gladly send it to you.  I am not on top of things and Christmas cards have been low on the priority for expect our Christmas card around February when we hopefully are settled in to a new house with a new address! 

I dread the fact that my "good" week is almost over...but look forward to having a fun weekend!  I will write more after tomorrows appointment!  Enjoy the rest of your week! 

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