Wednesday, May 23, 2012

A pain in my gut...

I scheduled my 1 year colonoscopy. Then I looked up that particular doctors colon prep for the procedure. I almost cried. I'm serious. Just the thought of having to do that made my stomach turn and I thought I was going to be sick. I dread colonoscopies. I hate the prep, almost as much as I hate cancer. It isn't the is the prep that just has me all freaked out. I don't know why. I've been around this block a time or two...but I still hate it. It is a neighborhood that I never want to go back to again. That block sucks. Colonoscopies are the devil. Enough being a cry baby for now. Believe me, you will hear about it I still have 2 weeks till the procedure. I have some good news. I am getting my port removed. My all time favorite doctor will be leaving the practice and moving out of state, and I really wanted him to remove it, as he put it in. I scheduled my appointment. 1 week after my colonoscopy I will be getting my port removed. I am nervous, but very excited to be 100% human again. No physical reminders that I had cancer...oh...well, except for that ginormous scar on my abdomen. Yep...pretty sure that isn't going anywhere. As long as I refrain from looking at my stomach, I will be ok! Another thing I have been thinking about lately...Since I was diagnosed with cancer and had my surgery, I have NEVER had a stomach ache. Other than the regular stomach pains that come with surgical healing and occasional adhesion pain, I have had absolutely NO stomach aches. This is a big deal. I use to live with stomach pain. It was something I always had. It was my one and only symptom. It was something I would have never suspected was cancer. It must have started out small and just as time went by it was something I just dealt with. I thought I had iritible bowl or something like that. I would eat...the pain would come. Sometimes I would just get stomach aches for no reason. It was me. I never had bowel changes, no blood in my stool or constipation (well except for that one time!). I was normal...It was something everyone had, right? WRONG. But now that it has been diagnosed, and fixed and I am free of cancer invading my bowel....I have not had a single stomach ache. It is wonderful! I love it. This is probably one reason I dread the colon prep. I just wanted to give a little update. I am doing great. I love being a cancer survivor!

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