Wednesday, June 6, 2012


So I didn't whine and cry about my upcoming colonoscopy too much. At least not on this blog. In fact this blog has not been a part of my regular routine anymore and it is really kind of nice. I don't feel the need to get so much off my chest. Today was the day. I had my colonoscopy. It actually started two days ago when I made the gatorade and put it in the refrigerator to chill, knowing I would be adding a full bottle of golyte prep to it and ultimately drinking it to cleanse my colon. GAG! Then yesterday at 3 pm I began the prep. One full bottle of magnesium citrate gulped down, followed by a nice chaser of 2 dulcolax pills and a swig of water. OMG. I thought at that point I would barf it all back up. I didn't. Instead I waited the scheduled hour on my instructions to begin the gatorade/golyte concoction. Half way through that (which I must admit wasn't so bad...although I will never drink another lemon/lime gatorade again) the madness started. I have to admit...having a smaller colon does have its benefits. My prep was done in half the time. I was impressed. THOROUGHLY impressed. NO CRAMPING AT ALL! Granted I had to stay mightly close to the throne, but it was not so bad. Oh...and the 5 tushy wipes that came in the colon prep kit. THAT. WAS. A. JOKE. I have learned a few things.... 1. the prep is not that bad. the worst part is the sore butt and not eating. 2. when i had a cancer tumor my stomach aches were horrendous... i have been stomach ache free since...including colon preps. 3. i understand now how my daughter feels when she has a diaper rash and i try to wipe her butt (even gently) with baby wipes. 4. it only take approximately 2 times in the bathroom to create a raw butt. HOLY COW. after the prep...i felt fine. this morning I woke up...feeling fine and headed to Saint Luke's with my mom. (I love my mom.) Oh... did I mention Andrew is gone for 3 weeks? He missed the fun! :) So... we show up... wait an hour then I head back. They accessed my port, which made me happy. I will miss that thing! SO MUCH BETTER THAN AN IV! Then after explaining to everyone how and why and what happened to me in the past year....I was greeted by my doctor (who by the way is my age!). I was ready for the procedure and the next thing I new I was getting the best propofol pumped into my port that put me in the best sleep EVER! Before I knew it I was done and looking at pictures of my BEAUTIFUL, POLYP FREE and CLEAN COLON! HALLELUJIAH! THANK YOU GOD. Even though I was told to get a colonoscopy every year for the first 3 years my GI specialist doctor told me she recommended I wait 2 years. I was not going to argue with that. And then I got dressed and hopped on the elevator to leave with my mom and had a great lunch and some fun shopping at World Market. Overall... I would recommend a colonoscopy over A. the dentist. B. a pap smear C. running a mile. It was great. I look forward to the next one. Today was a great day...tomorrow will be even better!!!!!!!! Look for upcoming post next week on my port removal! I will probably post some pictures! :) So excited for my trip to Jefferson City (AKA HOME!!!!) to see friends and my favorite Doctor!!!!

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