Saturday, November 3, 2012

Hair today...gone tomorrow

My labs are great. This chemo is much kinder to me on my blood counts. So far I have not had to take the neulasta shots. I am so thankful for that. My appointment today went well. My port was accessed with no problem and my blood counts were good, which keep me on track with my chemo. If I can manage to stay on track I will be done with my 6 treatments right before Christmas and then have chemo free Christmas and New Years and sometime around the second week in January I will have my surgery. I think that is perfect timing. Although sometimes I stop and think that I am walking around with cancer in me...on my liver...and just want it OUT...I know that the "plan" for the chemo before surgery is a good one...and considering the cancer on my liver is small, I am ok. I did see another doctor today since my doctor has been out for the last 3 weeks. This new doctor was great. She walked in and was amazed I still had my hair. I just laughed. I'm serious...there is someone out there that really REALLY REALLY wants me to loose my hair. Well...they will get their wish. There is a slight chance I will only get a heavy 10-20%, but knowing me...My luck and the way I tend to go through life...I will go bald. I'm ok with that. I mean... I have to be. I mean... I'm really NOT ok with it...but I dont' have a choice. My vote doesn't count. The hardest part is going to have to explain this to my daughter. Nobody should have to do that. I know my daughter...she will not take it well. So...I'm going to enjoy what time I have left with my hair. Enjoy your weekend!

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