Tuesday, December 4, 2012

touch and go....

Yesterday was chemo treatment number 5. It was touch and go for awhile whether I would get it or not. My counts are not bad, but I have felt pretty crappy lately fighting off this nasty cold. I'm blaming it on spending Saturday at the Preschool Christmas party at our church with my preschool nephews and daughter. Surrounded by little people is a definite recipe for desaster later when your immune system is already compromised. Whether it was from my group, some kids there or somewhere totally different, this cold sucks...but the time I spent with them was so worth it. So...yesterday they weren't sure if I would get chemo or not. I want to stay on track desperately so that I have Christmas chemo free and get my surgery in January then back at killing cancer with more chemo for 6 more rounds. I also wanted a break from it. The thing about chemo is that it just wears on you. It beats you down so much. It down right stinks. My prayers tonight are for everyone fighting this battle and going through this war. You aren't alone. I'm there with you. I may make it look easy, but it is tough. I did get my chemo. I also got 10 days worth of antibiotics to help me fight whatever nasty cold bug I have. I am thankful I am on track and now 1 day down into my pump-wearing-days. I am so blessed with some amazing people in my life that they really do pull me through these days. My daughter's birth family sent me a lovely gift and note in the mail. My sister-in-law and her fiance' made an amazing dinner for us. My rock star friend Amanda always comes through on my Monday chemo days for me with a great treat! These little things are huge in my life. They really do show how much love I am surrounded by and how much the people in my life mean to me. Surrounding yourself with amazing people is where it is at folks! I mean it when I say I love my life. I love everything about it and I am really excited for what lies ahead!

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