Wednesday, August 31, 2011


Well...I am officially another year older. I would have to say that 32 did age me a few more years than it should have...and I am now praying that 33 will be much kinder to me. It started off great! Although I didn't have anyone sing happy birthday to me, or get to blow out any candles on a cake, it was a wonderful day. I actually got to go out to dinner with friends two nights in a row, and had a great time. Then we had friends and Andrew's parents over for cake and ice cream. What a fantastic day. I got a gazzilion messages on facebook wishing me happy birthday and bunch of emails. That sure made my day.

Today I am feeling really good, so I am going to try and work hard at getting things done around the house: laundry, cleaning, grocery shopping and some cooking. I'm pretty sure I will sleep well tonight!

Tomorrow I am heading back to Jefferson City for work. I feel like I am going home, when actually I am home. I miss Jeff City so much. I miss my friends, my neighbors, my work...just about everything! I wish I were heading back with Andrew and Charly and staying longer than 2 days, so we could pack our days full of fun with our friends, but I don't think I will have a problem doing that myself! I am making sure to hit some hot spots and definitely bringing my gift certificate to the bakery to bring back some goodies for Andrew, Charly, and whoever else is around at my house! It will feel good to get out and work a little and see my staff again. I miss them.

Then when I head back home Friday I am in for a Labor day weekend packed full of stuff to do and fun. We are starting out our weekend at the City Market to soak in some good ol' KC and let Charly partake in the children's fun (the train)...and then we have a 2:00 pm birthday party where we are celebrating the magnificent births of the following people: my sister-in-law Amber, her mom Patti, my nephew Jacob, my sister Amanda, my Grandma Wanda (if she can fly in from Seattle) and of course...the most miraculous birth of them all...MINE!

Then I get to celebrate again on Labor day my mother-in-law Meg and my birthday again. We share a birthday! How fun!!! So I'm sure that somewhere in there I will get the birthday song sung to me and blow out some candles to make a wish! Because I've been thinking of my wish for awhile now....:)

So if I am not on for's because I'm busy! Enjoy the rest of your week and the holiday weekend...I'll be back soon with lots of pictures! :)

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