Thursday, September 15, 2011


Thursday is another of my favorite days of the week. It is the day I get to disconnect. I am officially now 2/3rds of the way done. Tuesday, Wednesday and today (so far) have not been too bad at all. I have remembered to take my steroid, which has probably helped me out. I have just been exhausted and had a few bouts of nausea, but overall nothing I can really complain of. My mom has been a huge help with Charly and taking care of things around my house, feeding us and just doing it all. I couldn't do it without her.

I'm looking forward to the weekend and having some friends from Jefferson City visit, and I'm looking forward to next week feeling better and enjoying it. I'll get some work to do for my company from home, which keeps me busy and gives me something to do and feel productive. Definitely wish I was still at the prison to be around my staff. I miss them immensely.

More importantly right now I miss my husband. I want him home. Things just seem so much more comfortable with him in the house and around.

I smiled today because I absolutely love this weather...except when it kills my hands and feet with the neuropathy! :(

I smiled today because I disconnect today! One more down...4 more to go!

Today will be a good day, but tomorrow will be even better!

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