Wednesday, September 28, 2011

Third trimester

I just like saying I am in my 3rd trimester! After I disconnect tomorrow I will officially have 3 more chemo infusions! It still seems like a lifetime away, but it also seems like an attainable goal! I can't wait!!! I have had a great week! It feels good to feel as normal as possible! It feels so good that I bawled my eyes out on the way to chemo! I just hate to have to do it! Then again I hate to get down and feel sorry for I wipe the tears away and buck up and start kicking some cancer arse! My doctor did tell me my labs were outstanding! The shot is doing the job, along with crippling me for about 48 hours! As long as it keeps me on track I am good! I made reservations for Houston for my follow up at MD Anderson and am ready for that trip! My doctor also told me my CEA numbers look good! That is my cancer lab! My level hovers between .5 and 1! Pretty good! I was so proud of myself over the weekend for completing my first 5K!!! I participated in the Whisper Walk to support ovarian cancer! It was such a great feeling and really got me hooked! I loved that the survivors got to wear teal boas...I wanted that to be me...and could see the pride in those survivors eyes! Cancer sucks...and beating it is a BIG deal! Soooooo....I found a 5K Get Your Rear In Gear colon cancer 5K walk in Seattle the weekend before my last chemo treatment! I am going to go out celebrating, and what a fantastic way!!! I will walk it with my mom (who has attended 99 percent of my treatments and appointments and has been there for me and my family since day 1) and my grandma who is 81 and a colon cancer survivor!!! I got to register my grandma and I as survivors!!! What a great feeling!!! I can't wait! I apologize for the lack of pictures to the blog! I will do better! Promise!

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