Tuesday, April 5, 2011


Surviving my first surgery - milestone #1 (I found out today that my surgeon said if I had waited another day he would have given me about a 1% chance to survive)... yes, the surgery that completely gutted me.. and now I am 1/2 way to my next big surgery- milestone #4, that will once again gut me! Yes I am looking forward to it. I want to be done with this crap and on the road to complete recovery. It would also be nice to eliminate this bag I have CONSTANTLY hanging from my stomach. Slightly accepting this bag - milestone #2...there was a time I couldn't even look at it. Dang I hate it! And of course milestone #3 would be my first chemo treatment. Did I mention I'm kind of tired of milestones?

So Chemo #4 went about like this:

1. Got my mediport accessed...NO PAIN! :) WAAAAAHOOOOOO
2. Got my labs drawn.
3. Met with the nurse practitioner who told me my labs were very low. This time they were going to put all my chemo drugs to 80%. Her reason was so "they don't kill me with the chemo". Really...did she just tell me that? If the cancer doesn't kill me, I'm almost convinced the chemo could! Once again my labs are low (not as low as they have been before) and now I will go in tomorrow and Thursday for a shot of the 3000.00 neupogen both days. Oh...I can't wait for the bone pains again!

The nurse practitioner thinks the 5-FU is causing me all the side effect problems. So I'm hoping that at 80% it will be a walk in the park. I'm really not sure what it feels like to feel "good" I guess! When I think I feel great, my labs are low...and when I feel bad my labs have been good! I am seriously screwed up!

4. I took my seat in the infusion room to get "premedicated" with Decadron, Ativan, and Zofran...a couple of my favorite meds! :)
5. After 30 minutes they hooked my chemo up to infuse.

And Andrew and I enjoyed our time together....

Of course lunch was served, and I know you are all dying to know what we ate...

chicken strips, fries and who the heck knows what that yellow stuff is...

Not quite sure what the yellow stuff was...some kind of vegetable. Can you tell I'm kind of a picky eater??? Once again...andrew was my guinea pig and tried it....

Once again...he hated it! :) We laughed. Life is good.

During my chemo infusion I did talk him into making out with me...well, if one kiss counts as making out! (actually it took 4 kisses to get a semi-good picture since he was nervous) Who can say they made out in the infusion center at the Cancer Center? MOI! My husband is a good sport...and I love him!

Don't worry... there was nobody around:

So, tomorrow I go back in for my shot... for now... I'm hooked up to my 5-FU and infusing away! Did I mention I hate my pump? There really isn't much about cancer or cancer treatment that I don't hate!

Keep the prayers going that my labs go up and things start to improve. Here is to a week with my fingers crossed that I make it through without being sick!

Today I smiled because my husband took me to the bakery for a treat! I am addicted to the bakery!

Today I smiled because I got to visit with the man who saved my life!!! LOVE YOU JON.

Today I smiled because we went on a short walk with Charly and the weather was beautiful!!!

Today I smiled because I have a great husband!

Today was a good day...I hope tomorrow is better!!!


  1. Did I REALLY read that you have "slightly accepted" the "bag"????? Didn't I tell you???? Tomorrow will be a much better day!!! :)

  2. I laughed out loud at the picture of your husband eating another gross vegetable! Also, the kiss picture is very, very sweet, even though you had to make out to get a good shot! Woo woo! LOL, j/k! :) I hope you finish the week feeling as well as possible. Kick its ass! See you next week, I'll hold down the fort. ;)
