Saturday, April 30, 2011

feeling good

Things have been going well! I feel good, I have an appetite (which would be ok to do without sometimes!), I have been working 40 hour weeks and taking care of my family, and grocery shopping and cooking and cleaning...basically things are almost back to normal. The only physical signs that remind me of my diagnosis are the port that is still in my chest and the bag that still hangs on my left side, plus a few sores on my back and arms.

My bloody noses have just about resovled themselves. I was getting those daily! (sometimes it seemed like hourly)

I did finally color my hair...and I have to say quite a bit fell out...but I am blessed enough to have a head FULL of hair, and could stand to loose a strand or two...or 200!

This past week was my daughters 2nd birthday...just looking at her keeps things in perspective. I am blessed beyond belief! I have an amazing husband and a very active 2 year old that keeps me busy. (I have said all this before, but I can't help myself)

As I am feeling good, I wanted to post a few blogs of some women that are also dealing with a cancer diagnoses. Please keep these girls and the thousands of others in your thoughts and prayers.

Being told you have cancer and getting the strength to conquer it, is tough! I have been so blessed to have such support!

This Tuesday I meet with my surgeon. I look forward to that. I will keep you posted!!!

Have a FABULOUS weekend!!!

Today will be a great day, and know it...will be better!

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