Tuesday, May 3, 2011

back to the drawing board...

I once again will have surgery! HALLELUJIA!!!! Today I met with my surgeon...we went over details of the upcoming surgery, scheduled for JUNE 8th, 2011!!! A few points that were discussed today:

1. Dr. T is concerned the Chemo will affect my healing (as am I), which is why we have opted to wait a little longer for the surgery...worked for me anyway, as I wasn't wanting to have surgery till June.

2. Dr. T discussed getting an epidural for pain control. We opted not to go this route, as it causes increased problems with healing and could keep me in the hospital a little longer. (#1...I want out of the hospital as fast as possible, and #2...I want to get up and walk as soon as I can, as to avoid the chance of blood clots)

3. Dr. T discussed the possibility of waking up with another bag...yes, I said it without cussing, although I did tell him if I woke up with another bag I was going to effin kill him!!!(not sure that scared him)...this time an illeostomy. If he does not get a good seal on the large intestine, he will then have to supply me with a new bag...this time on the right side for the small intestine to allow the large intestine to heal. Dr. T said that the small intestine seldom to never leaks. The chance of leaking for the large intestine is 5% and mainly happens on day 5-7. By day 5-7 I am hoping to be home, and this NOT happen! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE START PRAYING FOR ME AND FOR PERFECT HEALING!!!!

4. NO HE DIDN'T...YES HE DID try to stick his finger in my stoma! Are you KIDDING ME! HOW NASTY...I even told him not to do it because that was just gross. He replied, your stoma won't be the first I've stuck my finger in! I was waiting for him to pull it out and go "smell my finger". He didn't! :) And, he couldn't get his finger in my stoma anyway...just caused lots of bleeding.

5. We discussed a colonoscopy, but that will probaby not happen, as he didn't think he could get a scope in my stoma, as the hole is so small. I think he's on crack. I've seen the poop come out of it multiple times a day...at least the diameter of a finger....(and not a pinky finger). I know that the scopes aren't THAT large, I'm thinking my stoma was just a little shy.

6. We discussed the prep...oh how UN-fun that is going to be. I start the prep 2 days before surger...clean myself out and only clear liquids...Oh the bags I will go through! I'm thinking my stoma wants to go out with a bang...and loose some weight in the process!

7. Hospital stay is estimated for 4-10 days. I'm planning on 4-6.

8. The incision...he will cut right on top of the old incision, but this time make it 2-3 inches longer. Is that even possible? At least this time healing (hopefully minus a bag) I can use my abdominal binder! :)

9. The actual procedure will take 5-6 hours. I am the first case that day! I really hope he is well rested the night before. At least I know I will be in good hands. I will have 2 surgeons scrub in on my surgery and be well taken care of!

10. Again, I will wake up with an NG tube (a tube down my nose into my stomach), a bladder catheter (both of which will be removed on day 2 or 3), and possible 1-2 JP drains, and of course a belly full of staples (both inside and out).

So there you have it...

I have a month to enjoy life before I get to start back over again. Next week I meet with the oncologist again...Look for more on that visit.

Hope the week is going well for everyone. Smile lots! Life is too short and too much fun not to smile!

Today was a great day, tomorrow will be better!!!

1 comment:

  1. Congrats on the upcoming surgery. I know you will be so glad to get that done. Will start praying for you now for a speedy recovery!
