Friday, April 1, 2011

Praise the Lord!

I have lost my hair! There will not be any more pictures of me. (at least until I get a wig!) April Fools! :) I know...not funny!!! I probably just jinxed myself big time! :)

But seriously...

Things have been going so well. My last treatment was rough on me! My labs were so low, I was terrified my oncologist was going to take me off work and never let me step foot outside of my house again! Because my labs were low, I was told I would get a series of 5 shots of neupogen to boost my bone marrow into making some more white blood cells for me as well as some neutrophils. So last Friday I went in for some lab work, got the results and was told I needed to get my first shot of neupogen and to return Monday for the second of five shots.

That shot HURT! Not only did the shot hurt, but I woke up a few mornings with my bones just killing me (yeah for side effects!!!).

The coolest thing about me, is that I am so receptive to the chemo treatment that it works too well!!! The second coolest thing about me, is that I am so receptive to the neupogen shots, that it worked too well!!! I only needed one! I was truly amazed. I was feeling so lousy over the weekend, I was just sure my labs were still low. I went in Monday and had my blood drawn and to my surprise, my labs were significantly higher (higher than they have ever been on chemo) and I did not need to take the other four shots! PRAISE THE LORD!!!

I have thoroughly enjoyed my week off of chemo! I gave lots of baths to Charly, made lots of dinners for my family, and worked all week!!! I really have tried to pick up some of the slack that gets thrown on Andrew during my chemo week, to give him a break! I'm sure he enjoyed it! I told him it was his early birthday present!!! By the way, Happy Birthday to my husband (tomorrow)! I have to tell you that I am definitely married to my true love! I would not be able to survive this cancer stuff without him! He makes me laugh, he encourages me, he supports me, and he loves me (even with the bag!). I am beyond blessed!!!

So...I'm signing off till next week...chemo treatment number 4! I look for a PET scan in my near future again and being half way to surgery! YAHOOO!!!! This weekend will be wonderful! Enjoy your family, enjoy your friends, and always have a smile on your face!

~I smiled today because my sister actually babysat for me so Andrew and I could go out!

~I smiled today because it was April Fools day! I love pranks!

~I smiled today because it is Friday, and I am ready for a weekend with my daughter!!! (Andrew has drill)

~I smiled today because tomorrow I get to go pick up Andrew's birthday cake from the bakery!!! MY FAVORITE!!!

Today was a great day, tomorrow...Happy Birthday to my husband...will be wonderful!

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