Sunday, March 27, 2011

Climbing back up...

Yesterday was a rough day for me, both physically and emotionally. Sometimes I just have a hard time with this. I do a good job of not showing it, and because of that people think I am strong. They tell me things like how I am an inspiration to them and how they wish they were half as strong as I am...sometimes I don't feel like that person. I can't believe that I am only done with chemo treatment number 3. I am exhausted. Sometimes I don't feel like I can take much more, or want to. Do I have a choice? NO! I have to remind myself that not only am I doing this for me, but I have two people at home that need me to get better and a whole gang of people that kinda like me around sometimes! :) Today has been better.

I can't believe how blessed I am sometimes. I have to give a huge thank you to my friend Tara for all that she does. She has taken on this huge task of making my family dinner every Sunday. (Now, I know it won't last forever, but while it does...I appreciate it more than she will ever know!) Not only do I get a dish, but all the sides and fixins to go along with it... and she has never left out my favorite part...the desert! Thank you Tara for all that you have done, and for thinking of my poor throbbing feet today when you brought me over some bath and body foot cream and scrub! You have truely made my day!

I have so many friends that care about me and pray for me and have sent me some of the best gift and words of encouragement. (I have to brag a little) I can't believe it took having cancer to realize just how blessed I am. I would have never known!

Tomorrow starts my week of no chemo. I love those weeks. I usually feel great and enjoy not being hooked up to a pump or being sick. Although I get to visit the cancer center Monday thru Thursday this week for some labs and shots, I am going to enjoy my chemo free week. This weekend is Andrew's birthday and I am excited to celebrate with him and not have to be sick on the couch. Things are looking up!

~Today I smiled when Tara stopped by and dropped off dinner and a gift for me!

~Today I smiled when I got to curl up on the bed and snuggle with my baby girl.

~Today I did NOT smile when KU lost! I thought chemo was bad...that game just about killed me!

~Today I smiled because I am confindent that tomorrow starts a great week...I am looking forward to it.

Today was a good day...tomorrow will definitely be better.


  1. You're tough as nails, chick, no question. But remember, it's okay to let the other feelings show, too. :) That's where I can come in with a random hug or something!! Take it easy, babe, you've got this.

  2. You are one tough cookie who does not give herself the credit she deserves! Thinking about you! Hope you have a wonderful weekend!
