Saturday, March 5, 2011

blown away

Since January 23rd, I have been blessed enough to get all kinds of flowers, balloons, stuffed animals, quilts, slippers, visits, food and goodies, and LOTS OF CARDS in the mail! I love this. I have loved the attention, the support, the love! I could never get bored of it.

I am excited when I come home from work to get the mail. I usually have a card in there and that just makes my day. This has been the norm for the past 6 weeks. mail has been overrun with BILLS. MEDICAL BILLS. This is not so fun!

I was shocked today to find out that just one of my chemo treatments cost $10,515.91 with my premeds costing over $1000.00! Isn't that unheard of? Isn't that insane? Wow, is all I can say...and THANK GOD for insurance!

~I smiled today because I paid it forward!

~I smiled today when my daughter found the hidden chocolate. I'm pretty sure she's a chocoholic!

~I smiled today because life is good...and totally worth living!

~I smiled today when I got a babysitter for Monday night so I can take my husband out for dinner before my next chemo! (Thanks Jade!!!)

~I smiled today because I found another piece of furniture to buy on craigslist...I'm addicted! :) (don't tell my husband!)

~I smiled today because tomorrow I start my new job and have been fortunate and blessed to have been trained by the best! Thank you Kim, and I love you!!!

Today was a great day...can't wait for tomorrow to be better!

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