Friday, March 11, 2011

revisiting the plastic grocery sack...

I've been hunkering down. Since I disconnected on Thursday around 11 am, I have spent much of my time laying on the couch trying to avoid being sick, and staying on top of the nausea. I think after 2 days, I have become immune to the anti-nausea medication.

I thought I could get through my bad day 3 and 4 unscathed with the help of my new meds, and for the most part I did. But it never mom, who has been here to help me out, leaves and voila...I become ill. Ill as in head in a plastic bag again! No fun!

I am now 2 hours since my last visit inside the plastic bag, and once again have been hunkering down... trying not to move...trying to keep from being sick. Did I mention Chemo sucks!

I did get to spend the last hour in my bed with my almost 2 year old watching max and ruby while we laid there...she was drinking her milk and I was trying to drink my water. This is no fun sometimes! It was nice to get to lay here with her! I miss having my energy! Just knowing there is an end in site eventually, definitely helps me out.

Chemo just wears me down. (And this is only treatment #2) I hope that trying to stay down on day 3 and 4 will help me bounce back. I hope that trying to take it easy is the answer. I'm pretty sure every chemo treatment I will keep trying something new, until I finally get down what I need to do, and then...I'll be done! :) That will be ok!

It was hard, but...

~I smiled today when I got out of the house for a quick car ride...and the weather was beautiful!

~I smiled today when I got a couple messages on my phone from some very special people!

~I smiled today when I got to spend some relaxing time with my daughter!

~I smiled today because...once again...chemo week could also be renamed...weight loss week! (that does make me smile!) (definitely not the way I want to loose weight, but hey...if it works, you gotta go with it!)

Today was a good day...I'm looking forward to tomorrow being better!

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