Tuesday, March 8, 2011

chemo treatment #2...

Prayers are answered! Chemo treatment #2 was a success! Here is how the day went for me:

I put on the lidocaine cream prior to my appointment...

I got to the center and had my mediport accessed! It did take three tries, but thanks to the cream, I didn't feel a thing!

I don't smile ALL the time! This was me, waiting for my lab work and wishing the sun was shinning! From now on, pray for sunshine on my chemo days! :)

Finally hooked up to chemo! My labs were not perfect, so 2 of the chemo drugs I get had to be given to me at 80% and not the full 100% strength. If my labs next time are the same, I will probably have to start a steroid to help boost my bone marrow. All that says to me...I'm gonna temporarily get fatter! :(

So after the chemo, I went home and my mom was waiting for me at the house! Thank GOD she is here for me. She also bought me a backpack to hold my pump. It does make it easier to get things done around the house without having that stupid thin on my hip! Thank you MOM!!!! Plus it is pretty stylish! :)

Well, so far I have been doused in some mega poisons that are suppose to help me...lets just hope they don't make me sick! So far I have definitely had to refraind from cold again! :( I have also had a few episodes of some tummy trauma (that is a nice way of saying stomach aches!) NO real side effect of nausea yet! KEEP YOUR FINGERS CROSSSED!!! I really don't want to post another picture of me looking like crap and sicker than a dog! :)

~I smiled today because my mom is here!

~I smiled today because I made someone's day!

~I smiled today.

Today was a good day...tomorrow better be a better one! :)


  1. So glad you were able to get the chemo I was praying for you! You do look very stylish with the backpack.

    p.s. thanks for the tasty treat

  2. Love the pics of you rockin' the backpack, chick! ;)

  3. Love and backpack!!! Been thinking about you and hoping you are doing well! Hang in there Jen!

  4. This comment has been removed by the author.

  5. YOU make that backpack look so gosh darn cute - and you always look so beautiful when you go for you chemo treatments :-)
