Monday, March 7, 2011

say a prayer...

If you happen to be reading this...say a prayer for me. (Please!) Tomorrow is scheduled for Chemo treatment #2. If you don't remember or didn't initial Chemo treatment #2 got delayed due to some low blood counts. Please pray that my counts are up and I can proceed with the treatment!

I'll give you 2 minutes....

OK...Thank you!!! God listens to your prayers, and I need them! I want nothing more than to go in to the cancer center tomorrow and be able to do my Chemo treatment #2. As much as I am dreading it and not looking forward to having to carry around the pump again for 46 hours and then probably getting sick, I want to get it over with. I want nothing more than to have this behind me. I want this millisecond of my life to pass by! I need this Chemo treatment #2 to take place tomorrow for my own sanity. I need to be on the Chemo treatment path and not have anymore detours!

So, Thank you! Thank you for the prayers and good thoughts!

Today was an excellent day for me! I don't take good day for granted. I savor ever minute I have that is good! I love every second I get to smile!

I got to spend the evening on a date with my husband! What a blessing that I got a babysitter for a few hours, to be able to sit with him and just enjoy our time together. It was what I needed before going into my Chemo treatment tomorrow!

My husband will go with me to my treatment tomorrow and then my mom will show up to help me though the week. She is such a blessing to me. Plus she told me she bought me a small backpack to put my pump in! This will be so nice and make it much easier to function around the house (and don't you worry, I will have pictures!).

Thank you again for the prayer!

~I smiled today because I got to go on a date with a hottie!

~I smiled today because the bag cooperated with me once again and did not interfere with a meeting I was in!

~I smiled today because my house is clean and there are meals already made!!! Yes, I was very productive this weekend!!!

~I smiled today because I am so blessed! God loves me! He has a plan for me...

Today was a great day! A GREAT ONE!!! Tomorrow will be even better!!! Thanks again for the prayer!

1 comment:

  1. I so hope you were able to do your second chemo treatment today.

    I haven't kept up with Facebook, because, well, I got rid of my account! Long story, but I will always keep up with this blog. :)

    Looking forward to seeing you next week. Here's to a speedy recovery for the rest of the week! :)
