Saturday, December 17, 2011

I'm a runner

I cannot describe how it feels to one day know you have been diagnosed with stage 3 cancer and then almost 11 months later to find out you are cancer free. Almost like the feeling you get when you loose your stomach on a roller coaster. When you get off the roller coaster and even though most of the ride you were scared and screaming, you got off and realized that it was worth it in the end, because it was fun. Don't get me wrong, there is nothing fun about having cancer, but in the was all worth it. The surgeries, the doctors, the injections, the pump, the colostomy, the sickness, the fatigue, the rashes, the mouth sores, the that sounds horrible, doesn't it...but then in the are cancer free. CANCER FREE! I really did it. It was worth it. I feel like I just crossed the finish line of a marathon. I imagine running a marathon, half way through I would feel like it was never going to be over...and then it is...and you feel great. I feel great!

I have to be honest though...I couldn't have run this race without my support team. Without my friends. Without the encouragement. The letters, emails, texts, fb messages, gifts, prayers...and love. I have never felt so loved and cared for felt good, and I can't wait to extend that to someone else going through some horribly tough times, and I hope you all keep up your job and show someone else that needs it, what you showed me. Congratulations to you...for helping me fight this battle. We did make a great team!

I started this journey scared to death...and that even got worse when I found out I was stage 3. People die of cancer, and stage 3 sounded awful to me. I was young...I had a wonderful husband and a beautiful daughter...I thought I would have to fight it for a very long time. I thought it would be tricky and difficult to get rid of. I had my doubts, but with all the support I had, and staying positive and pushing forward...I did it. WE did it!

Dr. Kee at M.D. Anderson (probably one of the best colon cancer specialists IN THE WORLD) told me that most people don't finish the chemo...that most of them only get through 8 treatments, and I did it. I got all 12 in. He also told me that it was gone...completely. My scans, my all revealed NOTHING! He did not see a need for another surgery...thank GOD! He also felt that I did not need to return to Texas to see him and that my doctor in KC would follow me and report to him. He told me what my follow ups would consist of. My doctor in KC wanted to do CT scans every 3 months, and Dr. Kee felt that doing that was a little over board and that I could do every 6 months for the first 2 years then once a year till I hit my 5 year mark and then no need for a CT scan. I loved that. They are doing more genetic testing on my tumor to determine if I have "lynch syndrome" (you can google if you want). If I do happen to have it, which he feels I do not, then I will proceed with a hysterectomy, given my chances of having another cancer are increased with lynch syndrome. If there is no diagnosis of lynch syndrome, no further surgeries are necessary. I will know more in about 2-3 weeks. I have never been so impressed with the care and treatment I recieved there. I highly recommend M.D. Anderson to anyone diagnosed with cancer. It isn't cheap to make it there and pay for your trip, but it is your life we're talking about, and there is no price tag on that... it is worth are worth it. I was worth it!

I walked out of Dr. Kee's office and cried. I cried tears of joy for the first time in a long time. I cried because I no longer fear missing out on life. I choose to live. I can't wait to make New Year's resolutions this better move forward and enjoy every day. To find something in every day that makes life worth living and makes my heart throb with love and joy and happiness. This is it... a new blog is in the more cancer means no more cancer blog. On to happier things. Things that will make us all smile and not sad. Prayers of rejoice and thanksgiving...not prayers for hope and healing...! God has answered my prayers, your prayers...and I will praise Him.

Love you!

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