Monday, December 12, 2011

tomorrow WILL be even better...

Boy have I learned a lesson today...

I'm sure you could tell from my last entry that I was feeling a little "down". What is wrong with me? I have nothing to be "down" about. I have an amazing support system, people that love me, the most beautiful crazy little girl that I get to call my daughter, a warm home, clothes (even if they are a little snug), food to eat (plenty...if you saw me, you wouldn't doubt this), and lots of love, smiles, happiness, fun and entertainment every day of my life. To top it all off...I love God and he loves me, and what more could you ask for? He has blessed me beyond belief. Sure, I've had a rough year...who hasn't. I'm still here...and I still wake up every morning to the same two people that I can't live without...and I still wear a smile and my heart still loves...and life really is good.

Today, put it all in perspective for me.

I went out to the mailbox, where I found 2 Christmas cards. One was particularly special. It was from a family in Jefferson City that Andrew worked with. Inside the card was a note along with a rather large check made out to Andrew. What a surprise. We all open cards and hope for money...well, today was our day!

The note inside read:

Andy and Family,
Every family hits tough times, and I know this is one for yours.

As a family, we lost our father to cancer. I have six brothers and sisters. Each Christmas we pool our money and give it to a family who is groing through trying times. We feel it's better than exchanging gifts among ourselves. Money can not replace ones health, but maybe it will help take a little pressure off the expenses that you and your family are going through at these trying times.

Merry Christmas and may God bless you all.

Signed with 9 names!

Not only did that money come at a great time for us...but it has taught me so much.

1. I will help a family out each year and pass this on. Even if I can't get my entire family or Andrew's to do this...our family will do this.

2. There are so many good people in this world, and my family has been fortunate to hit the mother load when we moved to Jefferson City! (Now do you see why I want to move back so bad!)

3. When you think the world is against you, or you are feeling sad...remember..."tomorrow will be even better".

4. I am loved.

Today while I was at the bank picking up my debit card (yep, the one I lost 2 times), the lady in front of me broke out into sobs. I touched her shoulder and told her..."tomorrow will be better". I don't know what her story is...we all have one, but I know how sad she was and could see it in her eyes. My heart hurt for her, and I didn't even know her. I didn't know what she was crying for, but I know it made her sad. I've been sad this year...I've cried alot, but I have also learned some very valuable lessons that will stay with me forever. I've also been fortunate enough to have met people that have touched me and told me "tomorrow will be even better". I love you guys!!!!

and just because I love looking at this...I'll share it with you.

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