Tuesday, February 19, 2013

Cancer aint cheap folks....

The days are flying by.  Chemo will start up again before I know it.  I dread it.  DREAD! The only thing that keeps me positive right now is to keep in mind that I am on the down hill slope with only 6 more treatments.  That is 6 more treatments and what will feel like a life time of scans to worry over.  The hardest part for me so far has not been the treatment or the surgeries, but the burden I put on my family and husband.  I have said it before...cancer is not cheap.  This year we are looking at a total of 10,000 out of pocket before our deductible is met for 2013 (this includes 2012 deductible since we have just started recieving medical bills for my chemo that started in October!).  On top of the lovely 10,000.00 we will pay for medical bills I had to purchase hearing aides in January costin me 4,090.00 out of pocket (insurance paid 2500.00).  Every month I pay for my prescriptions which add up (anti-nausea meds, ativan, depression meds, etc) .... all of this is a result of cancer.  AND all on one income now, thanks to cancer.  I continue to battle stage 4 cancer.  I continue to fight every day.  I tell you this not to make you feel sorry for me or to ask for anything, but so you take a second to realize what it would be like if God forbid this happened to you.  If you lost your job, how would that affect your family?  If you couldn't live without medical treatment that?  I have truely been blessed with some amazing friends and families and COMPLETE STRANGERS that have supported me and helped out financially when we needed it the most.  For that I want to thank you.  Right now my prayer is that my husband who is employed by the Federal Government (Missouri National Guard) can keep his job and not loose it as a result of sequestration.  I would really like to keep my medical insurance.  Is that so much to ask?  

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