Sunday, February 3, 2013


My appointment Wednesday went well.  I was unable to meet with the surgeon but did meet with the nurse practitioner.  Ever since I fell out of the shower I have had a hard time with my lungs and after discussing this again with the NP she ordered another chest xray and some lab work because ever since my surgery my normal 50-60 pulse has been 110-120.... not sure what is going on.  My xray came back better than the initial one that showed the lung collapse, but still not good and after the doctor reviewed it he wanted me to continue to do 10 deep breaths on the spirometry an hour.  They also continue to talk about a dense "mass" on my lung that they are not too concerned about but that I should mention it to my oncologist when I see her the end of February for a follow up CT scan.  My 33 staples did come out and the incision looks good.  The mysterious area that has been bothering me, ends up being a large hematoma with scar tissue buildup around it.  I am scheduled for a 4 week follow up again with the surgeon, but I am doing well.  I feel great.  Next appointment is with the oncologist on February 22nd and chemo is planned to resume on the 25th.  I'm planning on enjoying my time till then and making a trip to Jefferson City to see some of my favorite people in the world!  Until then....

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