Tuesday, March 22, 2011

Chemo #3...

Chemo treatment #3 today...one more and I'm half way to my surgery! It seems crazy to be so anxious for the next surgery, especially knowing (and remembering) every little detail about it...I'm pretty sure it is worse than having a baby...because i remembered it!!! I have never physically delivered a full term baby, but if you forget that pain...my surgery has to be worse. I didn't forget it... and yet, I can't wait for it. (I know those that have had babies will disagree, and that is ok) I just want this colostomy bag removed so bad I can taste it...GROSS...no, I can't taste it... but I just can't wait! Although...it did come through for me last night as I was experiencing some tummy trauma...I slept right through it, and instead of having to wake up and sit on the pot in the middle of the night with cramping, I got to enjoy my sleep and let that little bag do the work...so, ok...sometimes it does come in handy. AND THEN...there are other times not so much...like this past week when I was in a meeting one on one with my new boss...it just had to voice it's opinion in the middle of our meeting...HOW EMBARRASSING!!! I have yet to come up with a good line when this happens. The people I know that are closest to me, think it is a hoot...other people that I don't know so well...I can't imagine what they think!!!! If you can think of anything let me know. I'm sure one of you will come through for me! :)

So, on to today...I spent the day at the cancer center with my husband. BOY DID WE LAUGH OUR ARSES OFF!!! There were times I was laughing so hard (you know... that ugly laugh/cry) that I was literally CRYING!!!! I'm not sure what the other people in the cancer center thought of it! I mean, how could someone be having so much fun while getting chemo? Well, we did!

First I got my port accessed...

...and then we were off on our 3rd Chemo treatment.

My labs that they draw every time did come back this morning lower than EVER! This just means that the chemo is working TOO well! It is doing the job. I can't argue with that. It would just be nice to have a little reserve hanging around of some white blood cells or neutrophils to fight off any infections I might come in contact with. This is kinda scary! The smallest cold or urinary tract infection could put me in the hospital for days. This is what I try to avoid!

Due to the low labs, I will go back in on Friday (not looking forward to that, since Friday's are a rough day for me) to get some labs drawn and if needed start the neupogen shots for the next five days. I'm hoping I get them, only because I want my labs to go up! I am not looking forward to more side effects...this time bone pain.

So...I visited with Dr. R today (who made me strip down and get in a gown...dislike) and we are still on tract to do 4 months of this (every 2 weeks) and then plan on the surgery (like)!!! WHOOOOO HOOOOOOO!!!! Couldn't make me happier!

Not long after I was hooked up to the chemo in the IV, lunch was served and the good times rolled!

When lunch was served I opened it up and this is what I saw:

Now, this is a decent lunch...but not for someone with a colostomy! I shouldn't eat rice, I despise brussel sprouts, and shouldn't eat them (well, I've never tried them, but I just know I would hate them), and a chicken fried steak...what are they trying to do to me??? I would be a walking gas bomb!!! NO THANK YOU!

So, I dared Andrew to try a brussel sprout, since he had never tried one, and unlike myself, is willing to try new foods...

He tried it...

...and like I guessed, he despised it! Precisely the reason I would never try one! I must say... I am smarter than that! :) I'm pretty sure as he chewed that brussel sprout grew larger and larger...I was dying of laughter and so was the nearly 88 year old man sitting next to him, who informed him in the future not to eat them since he believed they were not even on the food chain! Hilarious!

The day was good.

I came back to the house and we cleaned and disinfected everything!

Here is to the week...let's hope I don't get sick and let's hope I can make it to the funeral on Sunday in Iowa. Dr. R will let me know if I can travel on Friday when I go in for some blood draws before I see if I need the shots.

Say a prayer.

~I smiled today when Andrew lost all my contact on my phone (I didn't smile too hard at that) and then told me very quietly "Jen, I lost all your contacts on your phone, please don't yell at me in public...wait till we get in the car"...we laughed so hard at that!

~I smiled today when we picked up a happy kiddo! I love when she is in a good mood.

~I smiled today because my husband took me to the bakery before my appointment...he is the best!

~I smiled today because tomorrow my mom will be here... I miss her. She really helps me through this.

Today was a good day, oh LORD, let tomorrow be better!!!


  1. Jen I love your posts. I have never laughed so hard as I did when I read this one. Sending prayers your way for a healthy week and good labs on Friday. Lots of love!

  2. You are a hoot. It's amazing that you can have so much fun at the cancer center. Brussel sprouts....ugh! I know someone that would NEVER try to give you brussel sprouts for dinner!
