Monday, January 28, 2013

12 days later...

My staples are still in...and slightly oozing.  Some days my shirts get lots of spots on them from the ooziness...and then other days it is dry.  This morning after my shower my scab from the drain hole wanted I offered my services (especially because I am a really good picker) and off the scab went and voila....a large hole exists in my abdomen still.  In real life there is almost what appears to be like a tunnel in it.  I am not sure what I did but last week while I was trying to lay down on the couch I felt something in my incision that did not feel right....and to this day.... there is a hard lump in the area and bruising.  It is the one spot in my entire incision that hurts.  The area lies almost directly above the drain hole spot.  I go to the doctor this Wednesday to get my staples out and I will bring this to his attention.  Not sure what it is....I'm almost convinced they left an instrument or something in my stomach....wouldn't that be wild!   :)  Anyway....I am doing well.  My lung is still healing.  I am still using my spirometry and every day is a little better...and still a little closer to starting my chemo back up.  The plan is to start back on Chemo on Feb. 25th.  Not thrilled about this, but definitely ready for it to get started and be done.  Praying this is the last time I have surgery and the last time I have chemo for this cancer!

1 comment:

  1. You are AMAZING! You may be battling cancer, but you have so many "troops" supporting you in your battle. With everyone's love, prayers and encouraging words, you are truly blessed! Continue to stay strong and know that I love you. May God continue to bless you with all you stand in need of, is my prayer. Aunt Davi
