Wednesday, January 23, 2013

Happy 2nd Cancerversary!

Two years ago today my cancer was found.  I was in the emergency room and my path and Dr. T's path crossed and a life was saved.  Thank you Dr. T.  The story is still very vivid in my mind.  I remember the days leading up to it....especially how everyone was betting on whether or not I would poop today or tomorrow or when?  Who would guess the right day?  :)  It is funny looking back.  This road I have been on for two years has taught me alot.  I have grown so much and am more thankful today for what I have than I ever was.  I proudly celebrate my 2 year Anniversary!  The road is not over yet....the journey continues.  I am now in the process of healing from my liver resection.  This surgery sucked.  It hurt and still hurts and there is nothing about it that was fun, but I am 1 week from my liver resection and every day is a little better.  I'm glad I no longer have a central line to deal with, Arterial sticks, Femoral sticks, drains, pumps, blah blah was down right ugly and awful and the worst part about it was I gained 22 lbs from the surgery.  I have since lost 11 but dang...nobody told me about that.  NO FUN!  I woke up and my stomach was enormous.  I will post a picture...not because I want to, but because I know you guys like the nasty pics! :)
Yeah....I know....pretty nasty!  Way bigger than I thought.  Plus do you see that small dark hole under it?  That is where they pulled ever so slowly on the drain to remove it....the one and only time I cried and then yelled at the nurse and resident to leave and quit watching me cry.  Thank GOD that is over.  So....I am left with the 33 staples and an incision from hell.  One day soon someone will stop cursing my stomach and I will get to start working on getting it back to a semi normal state.  It is just hideous!
So.....other than recovering, I am glad to be home with my family and my baby who missed me very much and I wanted to say Thank you to everyone that visited me in the hospital, sent me cards, flowers, plants, emails, texts, prayers and good wishes and thoughts.  Love you guys and couldn't do it without you behind me! 

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