Monday, October 17, 2011

Another one bites the dust...

One more down! I can hardly wait! I made it through #10 chemo infusion with very few issues. Besides the neuropathy, which has kicked up a few notches, I am doing well. Had one day of nausea and not feeling great, but I know now that it doesn't last too long and I can get through it. I did get my neulasta shot on Friday...woke up Saturday expecting to be crippled like I usually am after the shot, but it wasn't too bad at all. I was amazed. Too bad that didn't the day wore on, the pain snuck up on me. It is hard to describe just how horrible that pain is...but let me assure you, it is not fun. I'm starting to think the shot is far worse than the chemo at this point. I feel like my ribs are broken and my skull hurts (isn't that wierd). It hurts so bad I have a hard time shaving my arm pits and/or washing my hair due to the pain. Because of that I typically skip the shower on Saturday and hunker down in my house for the day. Only 2 more left! I am ecstatic.

I did have a great weekend though. I spent Sunday sitting outside watching my daughter play with her cousins. It was just fun to be outside in the beautiful weather and watch her just have a ball. My heart was happy!

This week I'm looking forward to some great weather...cooler weather! I'm hoping my neuropathy starts to resolve. I'm planning a fun day with my daughter! I am blessed to have what I have and I wouldn't change it for a thing! Enjoy your week.

Today is a great day, and I'm sure tomorrow will be even better!!!

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