Monday, October 3, 2011


I'm getting there...slowly but surely...I'm getting there. Only 3 more left. 3! This last chemo was the easiest by far. And by easy I don't mean easy...but things are better. I remember when I took my first few treatments and they just about killed me...seriously! I couldn't do full dose of chemo if I had to. It was such a shock to my body...and the side effects were horrendous. it is controlled. I love my new doctor and the new stuff she has incorporated into my treatment to make my chemo weeks at least tolerable. I can manage to get through them with few tears. I rocked this last one. Sometimes I think I really overdue it though. I really REALLY wanted to go to the Weston Applefest this past weekend, and with my stubbornness nobody could have kept me from going (although I really should have stayed home). It was hot. I was tired. I didn't feel well. I had to WALK ALL OVER THAT TOWN... and all I wanted was a nice tall glass of ice water, but thanks to my wonderful chemo side effects, that was not going to happen. I did go. It was good to get out of the house, but hind sight is always 20/ time I'll rest and save up for the next fun fest. I am looking forward to this week...getting some energy back...I need it. I never really understood what fatigue was until now. I get it. I'm tired of it. I can do without it. I totally understand it now. I am fatigued.
Fatigue is by far the worst side effect I have at this point in my chemo treatments. I can deal with the neuropathy and even the terrible pain from my shot (which thankfully only lasts about 2 days)...but the just stays and stays and never goes away. I am definitely looking forward to being done and feeling better. I haven't felt like myself for a very long time. I miss it. Sorry for the lack of posts and short posts...I'm blaming it on the fatigue! :) Enjoy your Monday!

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