Wednesday, October 12, 2011

food makes everything better!

Yesterday I went to St. Luke's Cancer Center with my mom like I have been doing every other week since I moved. I can't tell you how thankful I am that my mom goes with me. It would be miserable to go by myself. I get there at 9 a.m. and leave around 2 p.m. and it feels like I am there FOREVER!!! When I first stepped into that place I was disappointed in how depressing it was. Now...I enjoy going to see the people. The nurses are fantastic, the techs are so personable and the other cancer patients are trying to get through their appointments just like me...with a smile on their face. This was by far the best day at the cancer center. My mom was kind enough to pick up donuts to bring for everyone. She has done this before, and EVERYONE enjoys it. She brought donuts and some other wonderful person brought bagels. Breakfast was served! Then she was kind enough to bring along lunch for us. Usually we go out after we get done, but have found that eating lunch so late in the day ruins our she brought sub sandwiches, chips, and bananas. How wonderful. Lunch was served...or we thought.
My mom had just gotten done telling me how good it makes her feel to bring in the donuts for everyone because it makes their day. I agreed. We have made friends this way! The best way to a friends heart is through their tummy. Right? Well not long after we were talking about making people's day a cancer patient came in with a HUGE spread of lunch for everyone! Sub sandwiches from Jimmy John's, Chips, Cookies, Vegetables...It looked wonderful. We were shot down! :) Just was a great treat and a great day at the cancer center. He brought lunch for everyone to celebrate his last day of treatment! AWESOME!!!! I walked past him on my way to the restroom to thank him and tell him I was so jealous of him...he just laughed...and said "why in the world are you jealous of me" and I told that adorable bald man that I was jealous because he was done. He just smiled and told me I would get there too. I preceded to thank him for the wonderful lunch and wished him luck. I pray for him. He has spent a year fighting his cancer. His body has taken a beating. He deserves to win his battle. He deserves to celebrate. I hope he did! I can't wait to celebrate my end to this battle. I can't wait to bring in my celebratory lunch to the cancer center. I would love to do something BIG...any suggestions????
I love that I am almost done. It has made my last few treatments feel like small obstacles and not huge ones like they did before. I am feeling stronger going through them and can actually function now on my chemo weeks.
I failed to mention that not only was it a great day at the cancer center because we were showered with food (once again thank you steroids for my ability to down some food), but my dad and grandmother (a colon cancer survivor) who is in town visiting this past weekend came in for a short visit to see were I get my treatments done and then took us out to the cheesecake factory on the plaza after my appointment...don't worry I only ordered a small side salad! I was trying to be good. I did however have a few bites of the delicious cheesecake for desert...and then I came home and did not eat dinner. I'm trying! I can't wait to get off this steroid! I have another battle ahead of me! Does it ever end! :)
So...I am getting through this treatment and doing well, except I really have experienced the worst neuropathy EVER. I have been wearing gloves on my hands which seem to help instantly. It looks a little funny in public wearing these winter gloves, but if it helps I don't care. I haven't had much of an issue with the neuropathy like this time. I noticed it immediately on my way out of the clinic after I reached for the metal door handle that set my hand stinging like crazy. OUCH! Thank goodness for the gloves.
After this...I have one more treatment and I am off to Seattle for a short weekend of Pike's Market with my mom, hanging out with my grandma and aunts and uncles and of course walking the Get Your Rear in Gear 5K colon cancer walk. I can't wait.
Life is sweet!

MOM INTERRUPTED...Charly has just walked in the door from daycare, I must sign off.

1 comment:

  1. Whoo Hoo!!!! One more to go!!! That is absolutely fabulous and the best news we've heard in awhile!!! I am so very proud of you and know that tomorrow will be so much better than today! Wow, you must be looking forward to that since today was such a great day!!! Love, hugs and prayers are coming your way!!!
