Thursday, November 10, 2011

the longest 9 1/2 months ever...EVER

I did it! I have finished all 12 treatments. It only took 9 1/2 months (3 1/2 months longer than normal), but I did it. 2 surgeries, 12 treatments, lots of tears, prayers and sleepless nights! I am done. I kicked some cancer arse! I am so proud of myself. I couldn't be happier. At 11:11 a.m. I was officially disconnected (facebook reported it was 9:08 since every clock in my house is wrong!). I pulled out my needle and was done! I couldn't have done it without my support system which has rocked and kicked cancer's arse as well! All the prayers, thoughts, calls, emails, texts, cards, gifts, EVERYTHING...I am greatful! I love you all! Thank you for sticking beside me, encouraging me, having a wonderful benefit for me, it pushed me forward, it kept me strong, it was what I needed. 2011 was a rough year for me, and I am looking forward to 2012...good things to come. Time with my family. Time to recoup. Time to move on! Love you all!!!!

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