Wednesday, November 9, 2011

the time has come....

TO CELEBRATE! Unfortunately I can not believe I totally forgot my camera to one of the most important days of my life (aside from the day I was born, married and my baby girl was born). My very last (fingers crossed and lots of prayers)chemo treatment was yesterday. I never thought this day would come. I didn't even mind getting a needle in my chest, despite how much it hurts (both physically and emotionally), I was ready for it...happy for it...ready for this to be done.

My appointments go like this...

I get there and first thing I have to do...which is probably one of my least favorite things to do, is get weighed in. OMG I could do without having to see my weight constantly go up every 2 weeks...BUT on the plus side...after tomorrow I am officially OFF the steroids! Now I am praying my weight will steadily go down just as much as it steadily went up. I'm thinking this will take me a little work, but that never scared me before.:)

After weighing in...I find a seat in the infusion center and get my vitals done and port accessed for a blood draw. Since the day my needle came out of my port at 3 am, I am a bit of a freak about securing it down. My nurses know this and accommodate my request now without me having to ask. I put the reinforcement down on that dang needle...lots of tape, and a few secured dressings. NO MORE CHEMO BURNS THANK YOU VERY MUCH!!!!

As soon as my blood has been drawn, I wait to be called back to see my doctor. I absolutely love her. Moving was totally worth it for HER (among other reasons, although I desperately want to move back!). I went back to see her along with my husband, who accompanied me to my LAST CHEMO TREATMENT!!!! Dr. Y is such a fabulous person and a fantastic doctor! I love her. She set up my next appointment in MARCH, which will be full of scans and labs, and we talked about what happens NOW.
Now...I will have to have monthly port flushes, which we set up for the next 4 months. I go to MD Anderson in December for a battery of scans, labs, x-rays, genetic counseling visits, and last but not least a doctors appointment with THE BEST COLON CANCER ONCOLOGIST EVER! (just my opinion, but it could possibly be true) After this appointment I won't have to go back (except for port flushes) till March and from there I will see my doctor in KC every 4 months for the first year. In July I will have to have my 3rd ever Colonoscopy...which I will have to get every year for the first 3 years and then every 5 years probably forever. OH JOY! :) When I was in visiting my doctor she had not received the results of my labs, and I was PRAYING they would be good. And of course they were. Prayers answered!!! This meant I would be able to finally get my last chemo treatment....lucky number 12. Doctor Y and I did discuss the need for my shot on Friday. I brought it up and asked if I needed to get it, since this was my last chemo treatment and I could just let my body build itself back up. She told me that was a reasonable request and granted it to I was ecstatic...NO NEULASTA SHOT FRIDAY!!!! I will not be hurting all weekend...although I may be worn down, but I can deal with that.

After I see Dr. Y I go back to the infusion room to wait for her to put my orders in and then start my chemo. I got there at 8:30 am and didn't leave till 2 pm. What a long day...but this day was totally worth it! My first bag of fluids is my premed (which really makes me kind of loopy) which takes 15 min., then my calcium and magnesium bag which takes 30 minutes, and then my chemo which takes 2-3 hours. After I get my chemo I get another bag of calcium and magnesium for 30 min. and then my chemo push. The chemo is called FOLFOX, and the push is 1/3 of the amount that I get for the next 2 days in my pump. The push goes in over 5 minutes and after that my nurse hooks me up to my pump. Now you know....this is exactly what I go through.

My mom showed up with cupcakes to celebrate at chemo for everyone, and when I left I was given a certificate of completion from my nurses and my turn at ringing the bell. Everyone clapped. It is such an accomplishment, but I did leave there with my heart heavy for the chemo patients sitting around me. You can tell by looking at them who will make it and who will not. It is very sad, but very true. By the way...I'm one that will make it! Thank God for that. Being in a cancer center really makes you hate cancer and what it has done to people. How much they are fighting and how determined they are to get well. Sometimes you win, sometimes you loose. When cancer sucks! Please say a prayer for those that are fighting a loosing battle. I heart them so much!

So....I am disconnecting on Thursday...will probably cry like a baby...and I am done! This has been a long 9 1/2 month long journey for myself, my parents, my siblings, my loving husband, and my baby! I am proud of myself for making it, and will continue to fight and have a positive attitude.

My post has been long and I have rambled on... and I won't write anymore but I wanted to share a few pictures of my time in Seattle for the GET YOUR REAR IN GEAR 5K. My mom and I just got back Monday night from spending the weekend in Seattle and seeing my Grandma (also a colon cancer survivor), and my aunts and uncles). We had a blast. Pictures to prove it:
Uncle Chuck and Aunt Toni aka "The runners!!!":

A little Arse Grabbing:

Colon Cancer Survivors:

Breakfast in Olympia with Grandma:

Ferry Ride...Brrrr Seattle is not good for Neuropathy!:) :

Fremont Troll:

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