Sunday, May 29, 2011

looking back...

It has only been 4 months. Sometimes it seemed like 40 years...

I do remember very vividly the day I found out I have cancer. Andrew also thought he had cancer that day too! funny it goes...

My mom and Andrew had just left my hospital room to go get some lunch. We had been through a rough 2 days. It all happened so fast and we didn't have time to prepare...that just throws everything off. I think my husband was sick of being in the hospital (so was I) and needed to get they went for lunch. I told them to try a new place in town that was pretty good. Andrew and I had been there once before and it was fairly close and thought my mom would enjoy it, so I suggested it. They went. I was left alone. It wasn't a big deal. I was ok...till the phone rang and it was my (ex)family doctor, who couldn't wait to tell me I had cancer. As soon as I hung up the phone with her I immediately called Andrew to tell him I got some news and to hurry back. Looking back now I'm not sure why I didn't just let them finish their meal in peace...I mean my cancer wasn't going anywhere at that moment...but when you hear those words "you have cancer", you need someone...anyone...comfort! I needed them...and they knew it, so they hurried back.

When they got in the room, my mom was hysterical. Andrew just looked at me. I remember saying "I have colon cancer". He hugged me, we cried. I told him it would be ok. I told him things would be fine. My mom was crying. It was an awful, awful moment...and then...

Andrew grabbed his stomach and cried out... "I think I have colon cancer"!!! I started laughing. It was just hillarious. I laughed so hard I was crying... THAT HURT! Try having 38 staples in your stomach after being gutted 2 days prior...NOT FUN! He immediately told me he had to use my bathroom. I couldn't stop laughing...and crying! He was in there for what seemed like hours...until he came out of the bathroom...a little pale, a little moist with sweat...he had some serious tummy trauma!!! He sat beside me in the chair convinced he too had colon cancer. I died laughing. I needed that. I needed a laugh (even with the staples).

In the next few weeks that followed, as I was healing...I had never cried so much, and I had never laughed so hard.

Laughter truly was the best medication for me.

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