Wednesday, May 11, 2011

Oncology visit...

I'm hoping yesterday was my LAST oncology visit ever...not so sure that is the case, but I can hope right!!!

I went in to get my port flushed and blood drawn. It had been 3 weeks since I was at the cancer center. I can't say that I missed it.

The port flush hurt...or maybe I'm just turning into a baby. My labs came back decent, minus my iron. I am anemic and this is due to the effects the chemo and neupogen shots are having on my bone marrow. The bone marrow is producing immature red blood cells that are not surviving long. This causes my red blood count to be low and my hemoglobin and hematacrit. Along with that, my iron has been depletted down to nothing. No wonder I have been dragging! So...they did some extra blood work and will be calling me today or tomorrow to let me know if I have to start on iron or get an iron transfusion! Lets hope some over the counter iron will do the trick.

Did I mention getting cancer sucks????

I did have a good discussion with the oncologist. We talked about my follow ups in the future if I did not need additional chemotherapy. Please pray I don't...I'm not sure I could handle it again.

I also talked to my oncologist about getting a hysterectomy. He supported my decision, especially since colon cancer does tend to migrate toward ovaries sometimes. I will meet with my OB doctor this month to discuss having this done when I go in for surgery on the 8th. Why get these horrific hot flashes for nothing...thank you very much chemo! I would consider having my liver removed as well if I didn't need it to colon cancer tends to go to your liver as well.

So...the days are flying by. Before I know it, surgery will be upon me again. I dread it. I almost forget what it is like to poop...and really don't want to learn how to poop again with my gut all stitched up...OUCH!

Today has been a great day...Happy Birthday to my wonderful mom!!!, tomorrow will be even better.

1 comment:

  1. So, we will have something else in common! What would you like to know about hysterectomies??? :) Can't wait to read your blog saying that your surgery is behind you and that you are "all clear"!!! Lots of prayers coming your way! And happy birthday to your wonderful mother! I just met your parents and they are very special people!!!
