Friday, October 21, 2011


My motivation for getting out and walking:

yeah...and he goes about my pace! :) We have welcomed a new member to the family, our new to us 8 year old cocker spaniel Buster, AKA Buster Rhymes! We have fallen in love with him and he has nestled into our home and lives quite nicely.

Since we moved, I have been home and not working, and basically going crazy. I have needed a companion...a buddy to hang with during the day while Andrew is busy bringing home the bacon and Charly is equally as busy burning the bacon by playing with friends. I need a reason to get out and enjoy the day, the weather, and basically just move my butt. It makes me feel good to get out and I needed a reason to do it. He is it!

Although he is 8 years old, he does have some spunk in him, but also loves to just keep me company! He is a good dog.

I have been doing well. The neuropathy has not improved, but I am trying to convince myself that it is due to the cold weather. I hate to think that it is not going to resolve. The issue with the neuropathy is that it can be permanent and I do not want to go down that road. Having cancer has been horrible, having to go through chemo has been doubly horrible, and the thought of having a reminder of it ever day would just be crushing. I am so ready to be done with this fight. I am ready to finish my last 2 treatments, go to MD Anderson and get a great report. I was told by my doctor at my last appointment that I can't get my port out till after my 6 month follow up at MD Anderson to insure that everything is good...that bummed me out, but I would much rather keep it then have to find out some bad news and get it put back in. So...for the next 6 months I will have to continue to go in monthly for a flush and a constant reminder that I can infact get a bad report (which will NOT be the case)! I hate Cancer and I hate what it does to people. It is always lingering in the back of your mind...every pain in your body is a will never be the same. Life will never be as carefree as it was. I hate that!

But...I fight on! I fight for me, for my family, for my friends! I keep kickin arse!

Today is a fabulous day and tomorrow will be even better... full of laughs, smiles, fun and more importantly a Costume Halloween Birthday Party for my nephew! My family of Zombies will rock that party! :)

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