Wednesday, October 26, 2011


I was hoping I could get through this chemo treatment easily. I have to remind myself...there is nothing easy about chemo. It is hard. It wears on you. It drags you down. It hurts. It makes you sick. It fatigues you. It messes with your body. It comes with side effects (nasty ones). It changes you. It sets you apart. It kills! It changes everything!

So...I find myself sick this evening. I had a great day. Spent it with my sister and mom at my sister's doctor appointment. She is due Halloween with her 5th baby boy. I am excited for her. I can't wait to hold a new baby. Buying stuff for her baby and looking through all the baby stuff makes me want to get another one. (Which I have convinced myself when this is over, that is my next if anyone reading my blog knows of anyone in need of some great adoptive parents...send them my way!) Anyway...we went to the appointment, to lunch and then to do some unneccessary shopping and when I got home...I was wiped out. Worn out. Sick! I guess I probably did it to myself and should really concentrate on spending my chemo days relaxing...I didn't. But I have to say...I can get through this and I am exstatic that tomorrow when I disconnect I have 1 more left. I can hardly believe it. I. CAN'T. WAIT!!!!

I'm not feeling great, but I am getting though and really doing fine. I must say...I can't complain. They have really managed my treatment well and made it very tolerable. I can deal with a few sick days, and then a shot that kills for 2 days and then I'm on to a good week. And to top things off, next weekend is my Seattle trip! Very much looking forward to that.

Shock of the day...Got one of my bajillion medical bills in the mail that showed the cost of my shot every other friday....ready for this....DRUM ROLL PLEASE... A WHOPPING:

Put that with my chemo that has not gone up to $15,000.00 on my chemo weeks make my chemo week $23,000.00 and that is only medication...not doctors visits. HOLY MACARONI! I could really find a better way to spend that money! It isn't even fun to spend that money!

Life is good. Ready to disconnect tomorrow. Ready to have one more left. Ready to enjoy my family and the holidays. Thank you GOD for getting me through this...(almost), but I know You will!

Today was a great day...I'm expecting my sister to have her baby tonight or tomorrow, which means tomorrow will be even better!!!!

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