Saturday, July 9, 2011


Having cancer has really turned out to be a blessing for me! read that correct! I have had my eyes opened and have seen all the blessings that have surrounded me (now and in the past!). Especially now I see how blessed my life is. I was definitely blessed to get my baby...and the way it happened was just amazing! Everything fell into place...and when that is right! That is what is happening now!
Things are going my way. Karma is on my side! God is shining some serious light down on me!
My mom and I are leaving soon for Houston. This is going to be a long trip...driving! YUCK! She looked into her credit card points yesterday and has enough for a plane ticket and rental car for a week...that means we only need to buy one ticket! PURE BLESSING! #1: we won't have to drive. #2: 1 ticket is cheaper than 2. #3: free rental car....awesome!
So...that leaves me with a place to stay...and just 2 days ago we were hooked up with one of my friends' daughter who lives in Houston! And....she offered us her place to use as our "hotel". It was even more amazing to find out that she lives in a gated community on a lake, that her husband is a doctor, her housekeeper will let us in (OMG!!!!), and that her neighbor was a former M.D. Anderson patient who will show us the ropes and help us navigate around while we are there. HOW AMAZING IS ALL THIS! HOW BLESSED AM I???? Thank you GOD!!!
Things are going so well for me. I have big, BIG news that I will reveal soon...but until then, please continue to pray for me, my family, our travels, Andrew while he is at home all week with Charly, and that the outcome of this trip is a good one! I am hoping for nothing but great news! I need to keep this winning streak going! :) Your prayers are working...He is listening!
Enjoy your weekend! Spend time laughing, smiling, loving...and enjoying life! RELAX...we only have today! We only have NOW! Soak it in!!!

I smiled today because we are off to a birthday party...and Charly LOVES birthday parties!!!

I smiled today because we had doughnuts with sprinkles on them...and Charly LOVES doughnuts with sprinkles on them!

I smiled today because my daughter is completely spoiled...I live to make her life the best it can be...and every day to her is full of fun, excitement, adventure and smiles...I couldn't ask for anything more! (except maybe some potty training!!!)

I smiled today (and every day) because my husband is my best friend and I love him more than he will ever know!

I smiled today because the sun is shining and it is beautiful outside!

Today is a great day...I look forward to what tomorrow brings...

1 comment:

  1. What a great attitude and this will pull you through. Jodi showed this old man how to connect to your blog, so now will be more current. Kim has been most gracious in helping me stay current with your fight.
    Stay true to your goal at all times.
    Think of you often and will be looking forward to hearing about the M.D. Anderson trip.
