Monday, July 25, 2011

work it baby!!!!

Today was my first day back to work since I left for surgery 6 1/2 weeks ago! It felt so good to get back to normal. It felt good to get out of my car and have my nurses wave and yell at me from across the parking lot. It felt good to know I was missed and that they were glad to have me back (even if it is for a short time). I don't think someone has ever been so happy to walk into a prison, as I was!

I did wash my hands more than normal, and I was careful not to touch my face. These are things I have to think of constantly. I have to always be wondering if I'm going to get sick. I never know what my blood counts are (until I get my blood drawn) and it scares the snot out of me. Tomorrow I have an appointment to get my blood drawn and follow up. I'm hoping for some good counts...A) to keep me on my chemo schedule, and B) so I can ease up on worrying so much about getting sick! (say a prayer for me, please!!!!)

I felt really good today, and being around people really brought my spirits up. I picked up Charly from daycare, came home and put dinner together and even got in the pool for awhile! That really is amazing! Now I'm exhausted! I will sleep well tonight, which will be a change! For the last 3 weeks I have slept like complete crap! I have had such horrible abdominal pains and seriously wondered if I had a rib out or even worse...Cancer! LOL!!! Just kidding! I knew it wasn't cancer since I had my scans done just 2 weeks ago which showed NOTHING! HALLELUJIAH!!!! So when I went in last week and saw Dr. R to start Chemo, he did an exam and I told him that I was having abdominal pain. Pain on a scale of 1-10....oh...about a constant 7! Pain that keeps me from being able to sit up straight when I am laying down...I have to do this funky roll to my side thing! Yeah...I do kind of look like a beached whale trying to get up. It's pretty horrible. ask what it is huh???? ADHESIONS from my surgery! After the first surgery I had a bunch but could not even tell or feel them. In fact I had so many that Dr. T spent about 3 hours taking them down when he did the second surgery. Adhesions for those of you that don't know, are fibrous bands that form between tissues and organs, often as a result of injury during surgery. They may be thought of as internal scar tissue that connect tissues not normally connected...and they HURT! In fact, it feels like I have one that connects my belly button to my ribs on my left side. The area where I had the colostomy is probably one big adhesion! Ok...I'm not going to complain about them anymore...EVER, because I would much rather deal with them, then have a poop bag hanging on me...but I do want to say...DANG THEY HURT!

So, overall the day was fantastic! It was good to get out of the house, good to feel human again, good to be productive! I am looking forward to the rest of the week and spending time with my co-workers. I really will miss them when I leave.

Today was an excellent day!!!! I can't imagine tomorrow being better...we'll see!!

~Ok...I smiled today because while I was putting Charly in the bath, she accidentally turned the shower on. THIS FREAKED HER OUT! She jumped out of the tub so fast and hung on to me for dear life. All I could do was laugh, and the harder I laughed, the more scared she got! Needless to say...we COULD NOT GET HER IN THE TUB. So...hopefully tomorrow our attempt is more successful! Until then...I am thankful for the pool bath she gets in the evenings! :)

~I smiled today because I went back to prison! I LOVE MY JOB!

~I smiled today because I actually got a few more boxes packed and it feels like we are making a little bit of progress!

~I smiled today because my couch is full of My Little Pony stickers...and 2 1/2 years ago that was something I didn't think would ever happen! I love being a mom! Life is funny!!!

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