Wednesday, July 13, 2011

Houston...we have a problem!

Today was the day! We woke up early to head out the door early enough to navigate this horrendous Houston traffic! We got to the cancer center in plenty of time to figure out where we were going!!! IT IS HUGE!!! The people are so wonderful there and the place just operates like a well oiled machine! I was out by 11 a.m.! The outcome was not what I wanted to hear, but it was exactly what I needed! Dr. Kee gave it to me straight... my cancer was staged at a 3 due to the spread of it to the lymph node, and because of that I will start chemo (as soon as possible) for the next 4 months! The fight is ON!!!!! I had a great day that ended around 9 pm with a CT scan...oral,IV, and RECTAL!!!! What a great end to the day!!! :) Unfortunately, I haven't had time to take pictures yet, and really I did not feel the urge to do it...the place is surrounded by very very sick people!!! I am blessed to be so healthy!!! I left the place in is such a sad place...but also a hopeful one!!! I look forward to my follow-up on Friday!! Tomorrow is our free day...we will be headed to the ocean!! Definitely pictures will be taken!!!

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