Tuesday, August 2, 2011


As I write this I am being cared for by my mom and daughter. I have already started feeling bad and throwing up. I dread being nauseous and being sick, but I know that it won't last forever! It just stinks to start feeling so good and then BAM...you are sick again! It is worth it though, if it kills this cancer and I am set free!!!

I get to lay on my couch and look at my house in boxes...that alone makes me cry, and then not feeling well on top of that just makes me cry more! So...I got a good cry in and now I'm back to kicking some arse! :)

For lunch I really didn't want to have the "bags of chemo" they give me, so I was lucky enough to have a lunch date in the cancer center! Andrew, James and my mom joined me for lunch! It was good. I enjoy the company! I'm thrilled it is my last time at the cancer center...on to a new one next week! I look forward to a change of scenery! It may help the last 6 treatments to fly by!!!

I smiled today because my mom and brother are here...I love them!

I smiled today because the house is all packed up and ready to go!

I smiled today because I have the best friends, family, and co-workers! Life is amazing...

Today was a good day, tomorrow will be even better!


  1. Hope the effects of this one fades soon - but yet thru it all you always seem to have that contagious smile on your face. You are always on our thoughts and in our prayers, your gonna beat this monster !!!

  2. Hope you are feeling better soon! I'm wearing my blue shirt today!
