Tuesday, August 16, 2011

It is a good thing...

It is a good thing that tomorrow will be better than today! I anticipated today being pretty rough for me, but I would have never imagined how it really went! Today was Charly's first day of daycare...my first time getting chemo at the new place...and both of those things weren't enough...we had to start our day off totaling our car! YIKES! The good thing was that nobody was hurt! Broadsiding someone who pulls out in front of you at 40+miles an hour is not fun! Charly's neck was burned from the car seat, I have a large bruise on my knee and forearm, and my mom's foot is killing her! Yes...we have weird injuries...but overall we are all ok! I had to call the babysitter and tell her we would be late...then I had to call the cancer center and let them know as well...thing is...it turned out I didn't even get chemo today at all...so it was all for nothing, or maybe could have been avoided if we had just stayed in bed today!

That is right...no chemo today! Today was suppose to be my #7 out of 12 treatments. My blood work came back with my absolute neutrophil count being way too low for chemo. So...they have put it off a week in hopes that my bone marrow will start to work a little harder and raise my neutrophils! My new oncologist that I absolutely love, wants to start me on neulasta shots...NOT FUN! I took the neupogen shots my first go around with chemo, and they hurt so bad. The actual shot isn't what is horrible...it is the severe bone pain you get for about 3-4 days that just about cripples you! I am not looking forward to that! The neulasta is similar to the neupogen, but a little stronger...that scares me!

The plus side of having to delay my chemo, is that I won't have to have my #8 treatment on my birthday! The down side is that it just drags it out a little longer, and throws my schedule off completely! But...just like everything else in my life...I just have to go with it!

It will give me the week to get some things done around the house (and Lord knows there is a lot to do!)...get some painting started...put some stuff away...and maybe take a nap or two in between trying to get some work done from home for my real job!

So...overall today wasn't that great, but I still smiled because:

~I paid 30.00 yesterday for a train set for Charly, and it was the best 30.00 I have EVER spent! She played with it for hours!

~I don't know...maybe I get a new car???

~We have a friend coming over for dinner!

~I have another week of feeling good! :)

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