Wednesday, August 24, 2011

I'm passing on the cold stuff...

The neuropathy has set in along with the fatigue. I did have a nice 2 week break, but now I'm gearing up for a week of h e double hockey sticks! I already tried this morning to get the milk out to get Charly her morning drink and it sent a shock from my finger tip up my arm...yikes! I haven't been able to touch or eat anything cool, and that really drives me crazy! Today I am planning on laying around on the couch all day and just relax. I went to bed early last night because I wasn't feeling well and was hoping I could just sleep through it and keep the food in my stomach where it needed to stay (it did!). One more night of sleeping with this stupid pump and I will be set free! I can't wait.

I am going in Friday for the first of my neulasta shots. They have arranged for me to get them done at the local hospital here instead of driving into the city. The convenience will be nice...the shot will stink! Let's just hope this works.

I'm going to try to nap a little...more later.

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