Sunday, August 14, 2011


PHEW....things have been C.R.A.Z.Y.!!!! I can't seem to find the time to get on the computer anymore to blog. I also have had some writers block...I just don't want to write...and more than that, I don't want to write about how I'm feeling or cancer. I hate to even type out the word!

I have 2 days till I start my next round of chemo...I absolutely dread it. Although this time around is much much much better on me physically, I find that it is a little tougher mentally. I am exhausted most of the time and when I start to feel better and almost back to normal, it is time for another round and I absolutely DREAD it! I hate to be hooked up to that stupid pump. I really really REALLY want to be done with chemo!

I have been actually feeling really well! I hate that I am constantly asked by my family and friends how I am feeling, or how am I doing...this absolutely drives me crazy! Although I know that they really just care and are concerned with how I am doing, it is a constant reminder that things just aren't right...that I am sick! I look alright...sometimes I feel alright...and I do a good job of hiding it when I am not. If you ask me how I am answer will always be that I am doing well...even when I am not. Don't get me wrong...I love that I am cared about, that people genuinely want to know how I am feeling and doing...I'm just pretty sick and tired of this cancer crap all together. I tend to want to put it back in the corner of my mind tucked away and only think about it when I have to! I. Hate. Cancer.


The move has gone pretty well! I can't complain! We were blessed to have so many people help us out...dinner brought over, help with packing, help with cleaning, help with unloading, help with is truly a blessing that we have such wonderful friends and family!

I'm hoping to get some stuff put away around the house this week. Charly will start going on Monday to a new babysitter here, and with her out of the house I hope we can get stuff put away, walls painted, and the house to a livable state! I do love my new house, and more than that I absolutely am loving the fact that we are so close to our family! Charly and I walked down the street yesterday morning to my brothers house to visit with them! My brother lives on the same street...just about 7 houses away! I'm pretty sure due to this move and the fact that we are so close to my brother and his family, we have now acquired 3 more kids...and I love it!

I'm going to try to enjoy the next 2 days and will probably be posting more this week when I am laid up with a stupid pump and probably not feeling well! Enjoy your Sunday!

~I have already smiled today (and it is only 5:20 am)...because it is my 9 year anniversary! I have the best husband ever!

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