Monday, August 22, 2011


I have to say...things are going well. Other than being exhausted all the time and trying to get stuff accomplished at our new house, I am doing well. I miss my old home, I miss my neighbors, my friends, and my work. I want to go back to my old life...just for a day! Just to tell myself that things weren't bad then...oh, the lessons I have learned.

I will be going to get chemo tomorrow. (fingers crossed) I dread it. I hate it. I seriously want to crawl into a hole and go into a deep depression because going to chemo is the one thing that I can do without. But...I fight on. I fight for me, I fight for my husband, I fight for my baby and my family and friends...I fight for other cancer patients. I will win this.

I'm hoping the next week I feel good. It will be my 33rd birthday. 33! I can't believe it. I hope to be able to celebrate with my husband and daughter and enjoy ourselves. After that, I will be heading to Jefferson City for 3 days to work. I look forward to that and seeing everyone. I'm sure my 3 days will be full of stuff to do and people to visit with.

Over this past weekend we had a visit from a dear friend and her family from Jefferson City. It was good to get out and have fun and good to visit with them. I can't wait till they come back and look forward to our house being put together so it is more like a home!

Things keep on going and I keep on fighting...Not looking forward to tomorrow, but hoping it is a good day!

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