Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Round 2 and some news...

Round 2 of chemo is complete...I only have 6 more to go! I am amazed that a month has already flown by...I am amazed that it is already August! I apologize for not being on here lately...things have been crazy, and I will fill you in! Time is going by so fast!

Last Tuesday (last blog post), was a rough day for me! It was very unusual for me to feel so ill on my first day of chemo, but I did. I spent the evening throwing up, while everyone else finished up last minute packing....

Last Wednesday, I woke up to a 101 degree temperature. I was SICK! I got up, got as dressed as I could (just managing to sit up out of bed was a chore)...and I then headed to my friends house to spend the day on her couch. And I did...the ENTIRE day! Half way through the day my fever broke, and I did start to feel better. While I laid on the couch my house was being loaded into a U-Haul trailer by Andrew, my mom, brother and some really great friends. I mean, who is willing to take the day off work and load a truck in 100 degree heat? We have some amazing friends!Needless to say, they did a great job packing, and I had a friend come clean the house, and the house looked great. I was sad to leave it, but ready for our new adventure! We had a great evening at our friends house having dinner and hanging out! While we were still in Jefferson City, Charly had left for Leavenworth with my mom, and my brother was driving the U-haul packed full of my house!

Last Thursday was a big day for us...we were to close on our house in Jefferson City at 9 am (which took 2 1/2 hours), and then pack up both of our vehicles and drive 3 1/2 hours to sign for our new house in Leavenworth. Traditionally, Thursday-Saturday of Chemo our my worst days, but I made it through the day with a little help from some Zofran and lots of help from answered prayers! We have signed on both houses and that evening everyone came to help us unload and celebrate with pizza!

Friday I spent most of the day laying around and a little of the day helping unpack boxes. I never could have imagined how much STUFF is in a house! Andrew left early in the evening after spending the day unpacking boxes, to head back to Jefferson City for his weekend Guard Drill. I cuddled up in bed with my 2 year old and got a great nights sleep!

Saturday was the most amazing day ever, and I was feeling really good!!!!! I have pictures to post, but right now I have temporarily lost track of where my camera is! My family and I packed up our vehicle to drive 4+ hours to the benefit my friends had put together for me! I did not know what to expect...and what we encountered far exceeded anything I could have imagined! My friends had come together to WORK their tails off waiting tables, collecting money, washing dishes, cooking, auctioning off items, you name it...they were busting their rumps for ME! The benefit was a HUGE success!!! Just from the check I recieved for the donations from the meals 314 people ordered dinner meals that contributed to my benefit! The auction was unbelievable...people were paying crazy money for baked goods, one of which was my father-in-law, who decided to pay 350.00 for a tray of cinnamon rolls! It truly was a great time! The envelope of money that I got added up to be OVER 6,000.00!!!!!! I could never thank everyone enough! The money will definitely help with paying off the rest of my medical bills, and my upcoming trip to Houston! I LOVE YOU GUYS! I have said it before and I will say it again...I have the best friends ever! EVER!!!!

Sunday could not top Saturday...(I mean, what could???)...I did spend the day relaxing as much as I could...I was WORN OUT! Plus by the middle of the day it was catching up to me and I was not feeling well. It was a good thing I was at my mom's house, close to a bed and more importantly, close to a bathroom! Overall, I would have to say, this chemo round was not too bad. If they are all like this, I will make it through with flying colors! It definitely helps to know I have such an amazing support system! You guys rock!

So...things are a little crazy now for me! I can't find the laundry soap...I didn't know where my silverware was until last night when I found it in a box of Charly's feather boas....yep...moving is horrible! I can't wait to get my house together, get our lives to normal...to be able to RELAX!!! I am thankful for all the help I have been given! Really this cancer has taught me how important having friends and family close are. How much you need people, and how much people need you! I can't wait to be able to pay forward!!!

We are heading back to Jefferson City today after my first oncology appointment in KC! I will blog and let you know how that goes! Again...sorry about the delay...things have been crazy!

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