Sunday, September 18, 2011

Can't Touch This...

I woke up Saturday morning and couldn't move. It hurt to open my eyes, to sit up out of bed, to BREATH! That shot has crippled me!!! I have experienced this on a slightly different level with the Neupogen shots that I got the first 4 cycles of chemo. I got those shots in my hips and they made it almost impossible to walk. This time the shots are given in my arm, and from my rear up my body just aches. I mean ACHES. It hurts to be touched. It hurts to move. It is unbelievable what a shot can do. I can't imagine what it is doing to my insides. I'm sure my bone marrow is like "WHAT THE HECK IS GOING ON HERE????" It is now Sunday and the pain is still there, although it is subsiding. I am definitely looking forward to a good week ahead of me. I've had an exhausting week. This chemo just knocks me down. It wears me out. It crushes me. I can only pray it is doing the same for whatever microscopic cancer cells have decided to be stubborn.

Note to self...if you refer back to this blog for any NOT take a warm to hot shower to try to releive the pain you feel from the only makes you sick. I'm talking so sick you can't get out of the shower before you start to vomit and dry heave. How miserable. Definitely made for TV!

I am thankful for a wonderful family and especially mom who has really helped me out.

I am really missing my husband! Ready for him to come home.

I am ready for a good week.

I am thankful to have been able to spend some time with great friends that came to visit. Even a trip to have lunch at Hooters was in the cards!

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