Monday, September 12, 2011

A case of the Mondays

Monday is my favorite day of the week (now). It is a guaranteed good day for me...chemo or no chemo. It means I either have had a rough week and it is like the start of a fresh chemo free week for me... or it means I have had 2 weeks behind me and gearing up for my next round of chemo...which in turn means that I am one more closer to being done. I love Mondays now.

I'm not sure if I'll get chemo tomorrow or not. My burn is still there. You would think since I got the shot of neulasta and my levels are over the top, I feel I should have some kind of super human healing power strength...I don't apparently. It has gotten better, but it is not healed. I am betting they will do it, but I am not looking forward to a needle going directly into my burn. I'm thinking it will hurt. I'm not a fan of hurting either! I am however gearing up for this round of chemo. I'm spending the day getting things ready at the house for a week of doing absolutely nothing! Once my trash is taken out and laundry done today, I'm not planning on throwing anything away or going through any clean clothes...not sure that will fly, but I would like for that to happen. In order for that to take place Charly would miraculously have to be potty trained today and wear the same clothes all week...yep...not gonna happen. That is ok, I can at least get ahead of the game and start with a clean house. I have had a wonderful 2 weeks off. I'm ready to get this ball rolling again though. The longer it takes and the more fun I have each day, only means this will drag out longer than I would like. This chemo round will be harder for me, at least I am anticipating that. Andrew is gone till the end of the month, which means I will be doing it with the help of my mom. It is hard to feel crappy and expect someone to do everything for you. My mom is a huge help with Charly and I'm sure that without her I could not do this. I don't know if she is planning on camping at my house this week to help me out or not, but either way, it is comforting to know that I can count on her to be there. She goes with me to chemo and sits with me all day while I get it, and then spends the week helping me out with my child and just being there to take care of me. I love her. I am blessed!

Today I rescheduled my M.D.Anderson appointment. It was suppose to be the 10th and 11th of November, which would have worked out wonderfully since that is a holiday weekend...but thanks to my unpredictable schedule of chemo, I rescheduled it to December 15th and 16th. That gives me some cushion. I am looking forward to a great Thanksgiving and Christmas. I can't wait to have my scans and labs done again and be on the road to chemo free and CANCER free!!!

I managed to sign up this past week for an Ovarian Cancer walk in KC. I'm hoping my chemo doesn't get rescheduled so I can attend. I am looking forward to it on Sept. 25th. Supporting individuals with cancer and cancer causes is something I think will be a part of my life for ever. Can't believe it took me getting it to make this a part of my life. It is now near and dear to my heart!

Enjoy your Monday...I know I will!!!!

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