Monday, October 1, 2012

Here is the scoop.... favorite month. I just love the Fall. This year October will be tainted with the bad news I received this morning. My Oncologist called to inform me that my cancer did in fact show back up in my Liver which would be a recurrence. They are running more tests on the biopsies for reasons I can't remember due to the fact that my brain shut down after the initial news....what I did remember was that I will: 1. get a port placed this week 2. meet with my Oncologist on Thursday to discuss further what our plan is... 3. RIGHT NOW...plan is to start 3 months of chemo ASAP after my port is placed (this is to try to shrink the 1.4 cm spot and make sure there are no other spots that do not show up on the scan so that when I get to step #4 it can be a curable surgery) 4. a liver resection surgery 5. FINALLY...finish up with some more chemo (probably 3 more months) So there you have it...not great news, but I do have to keep in mind that it can always be worse and this is doable....My brother told me after I told him the news, that I would just be bored if I wasn't fighting something...and he is probably right. I'm just a fighter by nature. ;) This time I'm going to kick this cancers arse once and for all so I can move on to other fights.... like what color to paint our bedroom, or what movie to get from the REDBOX....yeah...I like those fights better. Thanks for the prayers...keep them coming! :)


  1. Sorry to hear your cancer has returend. =/ Lifting you up.

  2. Many prayers being sent your way. I have faith that you will kick cancer's ARS once more!

  3. Oh, Jennifer, I am so sorry. You are so young, vital and so full of life! You and God can beat this! I am praying for all of you. Hang in there.

  4. You can do it Jen! We all believe in you and support you!
