Saturday, October 20, 2012

labs and more chemo...

quick update: Yesterday I had an appointment for labs. I am happy to report that although my blood counts are low I will be able to get treatment number 2. This is HUGE. As much as I do not look forward to it...I REALLY need it! This will keep me on track and that is good. I also got the results of my CEA level (which did go up) and the result of the biopsy to see if it has the KRAS mutation. Apparently I do not have the KRAS mutation in my liver and you would think that is a good thing, except I think now it means I will be getting an additional chemo call Cetuximab which will not only keep me at the infusion center longer but also comes with a lovely side effect of a pimply rash on your face, chest and back! So...not only do I get to look forward to loosing my hair...I also will get to look 13 again! I do appreciate those brilliant minds that created the treatment for colon cancer...I just wish they would work on the side effects a little more! :) Enjoy your weekend...I know I will!

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