Tuesday, October 2, 2012

this is what ASAP means.

It looks like when they say ASAP they weren't lying. It has been a whirlwind of a ride since I got the phone call about that pesky little spot on my liver. Which by the way, is not a metastasis but considered a recurrance. I have to say I am blessed that they have the kind of technology that can find these things before they find us. In other words...at the moment, I feel great...no symptoms at all...and that is a great thing. Now of course I am soaking up this great feeling and really going to enjoy this weekend as much as I can, because come Monday morning I will be finding myself back in the infusion center hooked back up to some chemo. It looks like ASAP means I will be getting my port put back in tomorrow at 9 am. As much as I am not looking forward to this because I remember how painful it was last time...it is almost like I'm just ready to get it started so I can get it over with. I realize I have a long road ahead of me...but the quicker I start...the quicker I can beat this. Did I mention how much I hate cancer? It also looks like ASAP means I will meet with my doctor on Thursday at 1:20 to go over what I like to call the "plan of attack". As far as I know right now the chemo will be the same, although I am wondering if they will increase the dosage a bit. If you don't remember what it was like before for me, I am one of the lucky ones that gets to experience all the side effects...even the ones that rarely ever happen to people. Yeah me! So...that means my cold liquids and foods and exposure to cold will be carefully removed from my life as much as possible. Did I mention it was going to be a highs in the 50's this weekend and I don't care I am going out for ice cream! This weekend is the Weston Apple Fest and it is one of my favorite things that I will definitely be dragging Andrew too. If you think this is rough on me...please remember to keep him in your prayers as well...it affects him just as much. Did you see the pictures from the GET YOUR REAR IN GEAR 5K? I was so proud of myself and my friends and family for raising over 1800.00 toward COLON CANCER RESEARCH AND AWARENESS...now getting on board is my adorable brother...check out his facebook page :TECKLENBURG DESIGN and their website:http://www.tecklenburgdesign.com/ He has a great little spot downtown KC for the First Friday's. This friday he will be there.... and he is donating 10% of his sales to Colon Cancer Research and Awareness for me. So, if you didn't get to participate in supporting the 5K, here is your chance. Not only to help out a cause that is near and dear to my...um...colon.. :) but also to get yourself some great accessories for your house. :) Check out his letters...coffee tables...and sinks. He does lots of custom stuff and refinishing and would puts his heart and soul into it. Check him out!!!! Look for great pictures in the future...I know you guys dig em'! :) Thank you for all the love, support and encouragement...I couldn't do this without you as my support team. Love you all!

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