Tuesday, October 23, 2012


Today I have been very red faced and flushed. I think it has something to do with my steroids and premeds that they pump me full of before I start my chemo. I'm thankful that the sun is starting to go down...that means one more night of sleeping with this pump and then I will be disconnecting tomorrow. I have not slept well the last 2 or 3 nights. That makes for long days and for someone that is already worn out because of the chemo it makes things worse. I need a good nights sleep. I look forward to disconnecting. Chemo number 2 went as scheduled. I did not get the extra chemo just yet. I will discuss with my oncologist next Friday if I will start it or not. I was thrilled not to get it and even happier that I got out of the infusion center in record time. The only down side to that was my dear friend Amanda had a surprise to deliver to me at the infusion center and I had already left for the day. It did show up later at my door and definitely made my day. I can't begin to tell you how blessed I am with the love and friendships that surround me. Our meals for the week have been provided by Jan, Shirley and Jessica and we have eaten WELL! The meals have been life savers, as this week is never very good for me. I usually do pretty well for the first 2 1/2 days, but as soon as I made it home from the infusion center straight to the couch I went for the rest of the night. It kicked my booty yesterday and in turn I fought back and kicked it today! Today has been a good day. Although I look like a cherry tomatoe... I feel pretty good, other than the exhaustion. If I over do it I can tell I start to get sick. I keep on my Zofran and Ativan RELIGIOUSLY for the first 3 or so days. They help. Thank God for them. I am thankful that although we really really really miss our home in Jefferson City and all our friends...we are here close to family and equally great friends! This makes it so nice. I can't ask for more. Tomorrow is disconnect day and I already know that even though today was a good day...tomorrow will be even better. :)


  1. I know how you feel. I had Hodgkin's lymphoma cancer 14 years ago and the chemo really wears you out. I was working at the Hospital at the time and had to work 24 hours a week to keep my insurance. It was a long road. Now my mother has been taking chemo for ovarian, peritoneal, liver, and bowel cancer.
    Sometimes things get so rough that you question your faith because you don't understand why you try so hard to be a good person, but end up getting sick. It doesn't make any sense to me. I just take one day at a time and pray for a better tomorrow. I do not know you, but I do have something in common with you; I am also a fighter. Hang in there :)

  2. Hang in there Jenn! Praying for God's grace and healing.
